Why Moving to Sweden
The main Swedish industries include motor vehicles, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, industrial machines, precision equipment, chemical goods, home goods and appliances, forestry, iron, and steel. The large amount of multinational corporations present in Sweden has not only created an important domestic market, it has also paved the way for a world-class infrastructure. Sweden’s strong public finances, sound banking system, political stability and well-performing economy make […]
Small Business Leveraged Acquisition
Owning your own business is not only an opportunity to provide value through products and services, but it’s arguably the best way for most people to build real wealth. While considering acquisitions as an investment, keep three fundamentals in mind: return on investment, margin of safety, and upside potential. You as an investor should be […]
Business Acquisition vs. Partial Equity Investment
The decision to make an investment is a complex and stressful decision. At stake could be your life investment and you can’t afford mistakes or even the trial and error approach. Each investment case has its own merits, but generally speaking there are clear risk/reward trade offs in your investment decision. If your risk appetite […]
Work Permit Requirements
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]To obtain a work permit applicant must Have a valid passport Have been offered terms of employment that are at least on par with those set by Swedish collective agreements or which are customary within the occupation or industry. Have been offered a salary that is at least on par with that set by Swedish collective […]
Sweden Innovation lead in Startups market
Based on EU countries scores of the Summary Innovation Index; Sweden is the clear Innovation Leader, with an innovation performance well above the EU average. Also Sweden comes first in EU for the EEAs and TEA it generates to the Swedish economy.
Risk-Success Drivers
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Risk Drivers Lack of quality, suitable, and appealing Startups in the market Lots of effort to close with a drag on negotiation time frame Inadequate and proportional contribution effort from founders Lack of initial fulltime support for the daily operation Challenge of opportunity to appeal for qualified serious investors from ME Legal challenges, […]
Maxloyal Market Overview
In our brief survey in the Swedish Startup market, we observed that: The market is crowded with Startup innovation and business park centers or institutions. Most of them focus on local Startups funding, incubators, soft services, and collaboration with mainly local institutions. Most of them focus on a network of membership and local business park […]